I was up and out of bed at ten to four this morning - whoopee!
Shamara as she hears me moving around begins her demand for sustenance, poor starving feline, so I fed her quickly, made myself a mug of coffee and went up to my studio to have my Quiet Time.
I am not sure of what the time was, as I did not look at my watch, but any where between seven and eight this morning Jason ( a good friend from Lake Cathie) and his family arrived to spend the weekend camping on the farm. They only came up to say “Hi!” much later but first they normally just park down at the bottom shed and have their breakfast there before seeing us later.
Savannah, Dylan’s girlfriend (one of Jason’s sons) had asked if her boss could just come out to see the farm, and so she brought him up when he arrived - at about lunchtime, to meet us.
Not long after they arrived to say “Hi!” the heavens opened, but for a very short while and initially it looked as if they may have to turn around and go back home as the river will come up quickly now with any rain, but then out came the sunshine!
Once Jason and crew left to set up their camp, Ken went to have a snooze, and I came back up to my studio to begin my de-cluttering. I thought, seeing everything is still upside down, why not add to it!
No, that is nonsense! I just thought seeing everything is getting organized I need to jack up my act too, and de-cluttering is something I need to be more ruthless about. I am following a lady called Julie Hage’s advice on how to be successful in de-cluttering, and I pray that I become that!
At about lunch time Ken went across the river to put in the new battery in my little car so she will be purring like a kitten when I drive us into church tomorrow morning!
When Ken got back from sorting my car out, he continued to mow the grass, which I am thrilled about. There is something rather beautiful about a freshly mown lawn that delights my soul!
So, I began to de-clutter my books - of which I have many! So, I started on the one bookshelf in my studio and have four bags full of books to take into a secondhand bookshop or one of the charity stores. I am only keeping books that I will read, study, and read again. I have also been given, or inherited books, that are not what I will ever read. but I am sure that there is someone out there who would love to read them.
I am trying to spend only ten minutes on de-cluttering every day and when I have sorted what is to go, put them aside, then they must be gone from here - or else they will just be absorbed back again into my library or home!
I have also made out a de-cluttering list for every day of February and will do that for each month until our home is neat, tidy and only holding things we loved or need. Yep! I can find ten minutes a day to do that.
Something else I thought I may try - seeing I have so many recipe books - is to take one of them and work through the whole book day by day and write my comments in them as I go. Obviously, I will not try recipes if they demand exotic ingredients that are too expensive, but I would like to have a bash as some new recipes again. Hmm! That will give me a nice project for the making of our meals, as of late I have just been producing “old favorites” which do not inspire me at all. I need to be a bit more adventurous again, as I do get inspired when I try out different recipes.
I am so looking forward to having lunch at the Wauchope Country Club tomorrow after church with two other ex-South African couples - good friends of ours - as it feels like we have not seen each other for yonks!
Talking about new recipes - well tonight, using a Pasta Recipe Book, I am going to make Spaghetti Carbonara, but it is a recipe that is slightly different to how I would normally make it, plus I happen to have all the ingredients needed!
What lesson did I learn today? Plan. Write it down. Work out baby steps to achieve my goal.. Execute the plan.
What am I grateful for today? The beginning of my serious de-cluttering!
My saying for today is …
