I was up way before the sun decided to peep over the distant hills and light up the sky this morning.
I fed Shamara, made my coffee and went up to my studio to have my Quiet Time and do my Bible Study, before showering and getting dressed for church.
Yahee! Today, Ken and I were meeting up with two other ex-South African couples to have lunch at the Wauchope Country Club! I was so looking forward to that as we had not seen them for a while.
But, as per usual, we left the farm later than I wanted to and therefore I drove like some crazy racing driver to get us to church n time, but … I really did manage that! We arrived just before the congregation stood to sing the first worship song.
I took Hester’s birthday gift in with us today - it was long, long overdue but each time I had organized to give it to her something happened. The last thing being the recent mini-flood! I think I was as keen as Hester was to see what was inside as I had semi-forgotten exactly what I had given her!
After church Ken and I were the first couple to arrive at the Country Club, and the lady at reception, checking people in waved us on saying, “I know you both - you are members!” My goodness, at long last we are being recognized as “locals” after being here in this area for over eighteen years!
You have no idea how much that means to us. To belong. We have been in Australia now just short of twenty-five years!
Eventually the six of us seated ourselves at our booked table in the Wauchope Country Club, ordered our meals and began to chat.
Jumping Jehoshaphat! There was much chattering happening, lots of laughter, some sad, some happy and some deep conversations and moments were shared. My goodness, it was good to be together again. We met at just before midday for lunch, but we only left the Country Club just before half past three!
Even the three men were deep in conversation during lunch - in fact, they and only the men, ordered desserts followed by coffees, while the three of us women preferred just to chat! It was just a lovely get-together.
Once we got back home Ken headed off for a very late siesta and I lay down on the couch to read my book and have Shamara snuggle at my feet.
As we both - Ken and I - had had a big lunch we did not eat supper. Instead, I crept into bed and watched some TV on my iPhone while waiting for Ken to come to bed.
Lindie (one of the ladies in our group today) also brought a belated birthday gift for Hester, and she brought me a gift too - “Just because!” she said. Hester brought me my belated birthday gift and so there was much happiness sprinkled around like confetti.
Hester gave me a very pretty shopping bag with dragonflies painted all over it plus her new book that has just been published. It is a book that I am so proud of - this was the one that she sent me chapter by chapter as she wrote it, so I feel really close to it and part of the whole process. Plus, Hester asked me to write a review for her book, which I did feeling very honored to have been asked! Hester even called me in her book ‘Gail Morgan Author’ Ha! I loved that little honor too.
Lindie gave me a little bag of goodies - a USB connection with three different adaptors at the one end; a Robin juicer; biscuits cutters; and a satin rollup bag; - all for a ‘Just because’ reason!
I felt very spoilt and loved by my friends.
I am so looking forward to reading Hester’s book now in a paper back form and wrapped in a striking cover - looking oh-so professional. She is one very clever lady and that is for certain!
Today leaked out and was soon over as I slid into the Land of Snort, Snore and Snooze.
What lesson did I learn today? How important friendships are.
What am I grateful for today? Good and loyal friends.
My saying for today is …
