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Blog for Tuesday 4th February 2025

Writer's picture: Gail MorganGail Morgan

Again, I was awake in the wee hours of today - at just before two o’clock. That was followed by a lot of tossing and turning before I could go to sleep again and so I only got out of bed at about five. Oh dear! Slowing down Gail Morgan! Best you up your game old woman!

I went up to my studio after I had fed my dear feline, to have my Quiet Time and do my Bible Study for the day.

Then I went downstairs put on four loads of washing and hung it all out to dry. While I was waiting for the washing to be ready to go out to the washing line, I cleaned out two fridges. Yahee!! That is not one of my favorite tasks, but it is done now for the next few days. Wonderful!

I then went back upstairs after I had showered and got ready for the day - teeth cleaned, dressed, face on, hair brushed. and perfume sprayed!

It was time to get back to my de-cluttering of my many, many books. I am doing well but have had to use a lot of will power to prevent me keeping books I will most likely never read again, and that is just plain selfish! Oink! Oink! Gail!

In between the de-cluttering which I find quite exhausting, I tried to settle on what I will use for my Kids Talk in church on Sunday. I think I will start on the Parables, and probably “The Sower” - as it is in three of the four gospels, so obviously it is an important story with a great spiritual truths tucked in it. I have paper plates on which I have drawn the four different results of the seeds sown. I did this lesson for the children at school last year, or maybe even the year before that, and so I will use these drawings I did for that in my talk this Sunday.

I am so excited for Ken - he gets his new, super-duper hearing aids tomorrow and I am praying that he will just LOVE them, and that they will make his whole world a better place to live in, as he will be able to hear again and join in conversations instead of tuning out!

Only Paddy is coming up to the farm tomorrow as Matt’ is not able to this time, and Tamryn is flying to Melbourne for Tayla’s (her big sister’s) birthday which is on the 6th February. I hope that Paddy will be able to take is easy this weekend and not push himself so hard. Maybe he can fence and hang gates - something he seems to really enjoy as it is so different from his normal working days on the Central Coast.

At half past four this afternoon, Ken went out to feed the chooks, guinea fowl chicks and keets, and to do a quick check on the cattle. He also took all the rubbish away down to the bottom shed area to get rid of it.

Oh-no! Ken has just come in to report that ALL the guinea fowl keets have gone! Voeps! Just disappeared - these are the new ones that were out in the chook pen. Rats! Now that they can fly …. gone! We are hoping that they will come back a bit later today. Stupid birds they will be taken by foxes, eagles, wild dogs and the like if they stay out! Tsch! Here they were fed, warm, sheltered and safe but, like humans they make some stupid choices and decisions.

I brought all the now dry washing in.

(An hour or so later) … the guinea fowl are back! All nineteen of them - these are the ones that were gone! Both Ken and I are delighted to have them home again! Hopefully, tonight they will roost in the trees near our shed with the other older group of guinea fowl, then we will know that they are here and are safe.

After supper I left Ken watching TV or on his phone while I began to watch one of my series in bed, but I soon gave up and went to sleep instead.

What lesson did I learn today? To be grateful for what I have and not long for what I do not have. The absence of the guinea fowl (when we thought they had disappeared) made me think about that!

What am I grateful for today? The safe return of our guinea fowl keets.

My saying for today is …


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