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Blog for Wednesday 17th April 2024

A new morning has arrived which makes my man eighty-one years old plus day! And so … time marches on … you can almost hear the tick-tock sound in the background!

I carried out my normal early morning routine – fed the feline, made my coffee and went up to my studio to have my Quiet Time, but today Tamryn and Matt’ are coming back so we had that to look forward to this morning.

I was super impressed as they – being Tamryn and Matt’ -  left the Central Coast in the wee hours of today to try to get back to the farm as soon as they could. But they stopped in Taree for some breakfast and then they also did a little ‘look-see’ of the town which delayed their arrival here a little.

Ken fetched Tamryn and Matt’ from across the river and little did he know that they had come laden with all sorts of things. One of them being a beautifully iced and chocolate decorated caramel mud cake for him, with a set of ‘Happy Birthday’ candles that they put on before lighting them and singing a hearty “Happy Birthday” to him. Very sweet of them both!

Such a family moment.

Then it was all business as Tamryn and Matt’ got themselves ready for a day of hard work which included digging, pulling, yanking, bashing and generally trying to remove the undergrowth from under the large tree on Tamryn’s home site. Matt’ went out on the one quad bike and Tamryn on the tractor and we only saw them when they needed some implement or tool.

They arrived back here later, looking like they had both been in a cement mixer for the day – dirty, tired and a little creased and crumpled!

All three – Ken, (from feeding the bulls) Tamryn, and Matt’ got back to the top shed just as the storm hit us. And oh-boy! What a cacophony of sound that was! The rain thundered down making it almost impossible to think as it smashed down on our tin roof.

I am not sure how much rain we got in that storm, but at a guess, quite a bit. (I will go out tomorrow morning to measure it at nine o’clock,)

I had made some rice, savory mince and peas which we ate for our supper and then Tamryn, Matt’ and I headed for our respective beds. Yes! I know. It was only six o’clock but because it was so dark, and the rain still pouring down, it felt like the right thing to do!

It was lovely snuggling down under the duvet with a nice book to read and knowing I would not get cold or wet. So, blessed!

I phoned a builder and good friend of ours (Ian McKittrick), for some advice for Tamryn’s new little home and he kindly said he would gladly come to suggest different options. So, he will come across with Jill (who I have not seen for yonks) when Tamryn and Matt’ come to the farm next time. I promised Ian a cake for teatime then!

Today I contacted the ladies on my list (from our congregation) to find out who is interested in helping provide food for our Saturday Supper at the end of this month. We are having an open invitation supper for those who are lonely in our community – no strings attached, nor any cost involved – just an act of kindness towards eradicating loneliness from our community. If this is successful, we hope to hold one each month.

Today after hanging the washing out this morning, I basically spent the day working on my cattle lists. I will be delighted once they are up to date.

What lesson did I learn today? Set your tasks for the day then do them!

What am I grateful for today? The rain.

My saying for today is …

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