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Blog for Tuesday 2nd April 2024

I rolled out of bed and into the new day in one swift movement and landed on my feet!

Shamara did her normal threading through my ankles action as I walked towards her food bowl, and one of these days I am bound to land in a heap on the floor because my co-ords are not working at their best at that time of the morning!

I fed Shamara, made my coffee and made my way up to my studio to have my Quiet Time.

Later, I went downstairs and put on the last two loads of washing. Hoo-boy! You should see the mound of ironing I am facing now, and I have not even begun to wash the bed linen. I shall take baby steps in doing that, and I will also wait until this rain forecast for our area is over.

Ken left the farm at about eleven o’clock to head into town. He had a lot to do – order a new tractor tyre, get the ute’ passenger window replaced as it was smashed – (probably a stone flung across when the tractor was slashing) – and all those non-exciting things. I remained on the farm.

I hung out the new washing and brought the now dry washing in. Yes, there was a LOT of it!

I decided that I must be more self-disciplined and set time aside each week for me to get back to my drawing or painting as I am really neglecting that side of my life. So, today I set aside time to plan for doing just that. I also have set a sort of time frame for me to accomplish some drawings. I will do my best to have that creative time as I really need it.

I then went over the sermon notes I took on Sunday to discuss them with our Bible Study Group tomorrow.

Then as I was thinking of our Bible Study Group, I remembered those three bananas getting ripe in the fruit bowl, so I went downstairs and baked some banana muffins for our tea-time tomorrow. I cannot believe that I forgot to add the melted butter to the muffin mix, but I made a plan, I poured it over each little muffin and pupped them all into the oven. They turned out okay so I will see what they taste like!

I cleaned and swept our home and now you would never guess that we had had thirteen of us here a few days ago! Oh, how I miss the activity, laughter and noise!

Ken only got back home at about half past four and he headed off to have a qujck siesta.

For our supper tonight I made baked potatoes with sour cream, peas and heated some of the leftover lamb chops. Mmmm, it was delicious!

I was in bed nice and early and fast asleep within seconds.

What lesson did I learn today? I need to ‘make time’ to allow myself to be creative.

What am I grateful for today? A quiet day on the farm on my own.

My saying for today is …

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